Tuesday, March 17, 2020


So I've awoken to the second day of no school AND to see Tom Brady is gone. What a morning. PLUS, none of my kids caught a leprechaun last night. #BooBooFaces......

Folks, this is an unprecedented time in our WORLD'S history so I hope you are paying attention and learning/observing all you can!!

I hope I will see you soon, but, in the mean time, reach out if you would like to chat, discuss literature (including films and shows), ask for help, etc. I am unsure, myself, how I am going to use this time, but I plan on doing a lot of reading and board/card game playing with my family......okay, I lied....it will most likely be with Lupine, my cat :/

I want to be here for you folks as your teacher. Many of you might benefit from this time by working on some SCHOLARSHIP letters, and if you do, I encourage you to ask for help--I'd love to read what you are working on....and give you some suggestions or help! Use your time wisely!!!!!

Additionally (and this is just an idea at the moment) I am thinking about other opportunities/avenues we might use....I was thinking about suggesting a short story/essay/etc that then we could perhaps discuss on a GoogleDoc.....OR I am trying to set up THIS VERY WEB SITE so it is more easily open to comment threads, etc. I may post things on this blog and then pose some thought questions/points to ponder/etc.

I am just rambling, I know (just like in class!) but I wanted to touch base with you folks and tell you to just breathe, smile, sit, and BE. One of my mom's favorite sayings growing up (besides "when are you moving out?") was "THIS TOO SHALL PASS." Think about that....

FINALLY, seriously consider keeping a journal during this time!!!! Like I said, this is an UNHEARD of time in history, and someday there will be films, Netflix original shows, etc made about it. Observe. Listen. Process. Perceive. Reflect. WRITE about this time. Someday, your grandchildren will sit on your lap, ask for your forty-one dollars, and then inquire about what the "Great Quarantine of 2020" was like.....what will you tell them?

Please be in touch. I'm an email away. jgoldsmith@aos92.org. Or try commenting on this blog, evennnnnnnnnnnnnnn

All my best!!!!!

Jared Goldsmith