Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Day 3

.......and all is well.....

Who are some of your favorite authors for "pleasure" reading? I was in a conversation with my friends (YES, I have friend(s)!!! Be quiet!!) about who your GO TO author would be--meaning that you can ALWAYS count on a good book being written by them. I have three.

1. Paul Doiron. He is from Maine. WHEN we get back to school, we will read the SECOND book in his series, which is called TRESPASSER. His main character is a game warden in MAINE, and they are all murder mystery thrillers. The first book in the series is called THE POACHERS SON,, and it is awesome. Paul Doiron is Maine born and bred and he KNOWS the REAL Maine. check it out guysssssssssss

2. Tess Gerritsen. I think I spelled her name correctly. This amazing woman is ALSO a Mainer. She is a writer, an MD physician, a gardener, AND a classically trained musician. Her books also are usually mystery thrillers and there is a tandem group of women who are the main characters--one is a "coroner" type of doctor who examines the dead....the other is a hard core Boston PD detective....together, they KICK BUTT in combining resources and getting the bad people. If you like science, it is AMAZING to see Dr Isles (the coroner) and her deductive reasoning in figuring out murders, etc. If you are taking bio, chemistry, or physics, this is a book for you!!!

3. Lee Child. Listen. I know a lot of you don't like to read (and therefore you may not be even reading THIS blog!!!). If you get bored with books, then THIS is the author for you. Seriously!!!!! Maybe you have seen the pathetic "Jack Reacher" films--where Tom Cruise tries to become this character?? The books are 67 times better. NON STOP ACTION. Every book follows the same basic formula: Jack Reacher is a retired army Major--who used to be a Military Police Officer--and he lives a very unusual lifestyle. He has zero attachment to anyone or anything. NO family, friends, etc that we are made aware of. He literally hitchhikes around the country with wads and wads of cash. The only things he owns are the clothes he wears. And when they get "dirty," he walks to a store, buys new underwear, socks, shirt, pants, jacket, and throws the old ones away. No attachment. A total loner. So what are the books abooooot (for my Canadian readers), you ask? Fist fighting hordes of jerks, creeps, mobsters, and powertrippy people who think they control the world. He stands for justice and integrity and he will LITERALLY fight anyone. If you love to fight and you hate authority, then this is the book for you!!! LOL. I am reading THE MIDNIGHT LINE right now, and, already, on page 106, he already throat punched, roundhouse kicked, maimed, knocked out, and right hooked dozens of bad men. The plot lines are intense and fast and I think you should give him a try!

Now, obviously, you may not be able to get out and get these books. Or maybe you can. In the future, I will be posting links and web sites where you can read (on line) stories, essays, etc. I'm going to try to post all these entries to FB so others can see (if they want to). I am toying with the ideas of doing some videos......but who knows.

The thing I really miss the most about teaching you guys is getting you laughing and laughing and laughing with all my amazing dinosaur jokes, dad jokes, bad dad jokes, DOUBLE dad jokes, and such and such.....

In the meantime, THIS photo exemplifies what the quarantine is doing to all of us.....amiright???

Much love,


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