Monday, April 6, 2020


I came across this article today while I was checking my email, etc. It raises an interesting point that I have been noticing more and more as this quarantine continues. I feel like, although the world is basically "shut down," that I have never been busier with teaching, learning, etc!!!!! And I mean this with respect to my JOB aaaaaaaaand my role as husband/father/Internet singing sensation.....#whatagreataudience

The article is pretty straightforward, and it is not that long. I encourage you to read the article and think about the following questions/ideas. Then, if you want to be a #greataudience, leave your answer as a "comment" on this web site!!! Cool people like Gabby and Mariah do it.....just sayin....

Here is the link, first of all!

1. What is a quote from the article that you find important or meaningful, and why?

2. Do you AGREE or DISAGREE with what the writer of the article is arguing? Why?

3. "Label" yourself as an "introvert" or an "extrovert." Then, consider how this whole pandemic is influencing/affecting/helping/hurting your type of "person."

Have a great day

1 comment:

  1. 1. "'We can't necessarily read body language... So there’s people who will start to talk over each other, and then nobody talks.'" This shows how even though technology may continue to evolve, we are still depend upon our "original senses" to interact with one another. I think that the quarantine and, consequently moments like Stacy is talking about, remind us of that.
    2. I think that some people are definitely struggling, even introverts. Yet, I don't think it's to the extent that the article is talking about. Kids my age are used to interacting with one another through screens because we've grown up with phones in our hands. Yet, all of the people the author talked to are much older than us, or at least from a different "generation". Thus, they are being affected differently than we are, which is why when you read the article it seems as though "everyone" is feeling this when in fact that's not true.
    3. Honestly, going by the definition in the article, I would consider myself to be an introvert because I recharge through alone time. I think, like I said above, that this pandemic is not affecting the introverts of my generation to the extent this article discusses. I, personally, am enjoying the time off and have been busy catching up on hobbies etc. I know many of my friends have been playing video games and watching Netflix. None of us seem to be very drained. I think the exhaustion discussed in the article comes from being forced to suddenly adjust to a totally new way of working and learning and from the struggle of balancing this work/school stress with the stress of what's going on in our world.
