Monday, February 26, 2018



At this point, we are done reading the "book" part of HAMLET, but we are continuing with the "film" portion as we count down the days until I leave for surgery. Pay attention--as we watch--to how THE THEME OF APPEARANCE VS REALITY EXISTS IN THE PLAY. This is what I am asking you to write about. Your composition for HAMLET is as follows:

Describe how the theme of Appearance vs Reality exists in the play HAMLET.

What "seems" real and genuine but isn't....and vice versa??

How are some relationships between the characters 'phony' or two sided?

Is everything in the castle of Elsinore as it seems?

Some possible, doable, modelable (is that a word?? haha) thesis statements would be:

Hamlet's relationship with Ophelia reveals the theme of appearance vs reality because he is never truly honest with how he feels towards her


The theme of appearance versus reality is revealed in HAMLET through the dysfunctional behaviors of Laertes, Polonius, and Ophelia


Hamlet expresses the theme of appearance vs reality by the way he deals with anger, love, and joy


______, _______, and ______ are three characters who help convey the theme of appearance vs reality in HAMLET due to their shifty and shady behaviors in the play

Use your brains. This is a THINKING SORT OF PROMPT. It might seem difficult at first....but let the prompt sink in...I think you will find that you will start making the fantastic college writer that I know you are!!!!

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