Good morning and happy Friday. Above, you will see a link to a youtube video that is about 7 minutes long. In the video, I provide you with some key information about when your paper is due, how long it needs to be, how it will be graded, etc. PLEASE take the time to watch this. I even give you some tips and examples of thesis statements and topics from last year!
I am also attaching the rubric to be used for this paper--actually, I will send it in an EMAIL and I will post it on my GoogleClassroom! It is nothing crazy or new--it is the same rubric I have been using for you this year. I explain why in the video!
Have a great day!!!!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Hello CollegePrep seniors! I hope you are enjoying AND THEN THERE WERE NONE! Who do you think did it???? Haha....
For this week's assignment, I would like you to read chapter 10 through 14.....please consider dropping by my virtual office hours if you want to discuss or ask questions!
There is a study guide I will attach (I will probably share it with you on googledocs AND I will post it on my GoogleClassroom. Please choose two questions from each chapter's study guide.....and tell me the answer to the questions!
Almost done!!!!
For this week's assignment, I would like you to read chapter 10 through 14.....please consider dropping by my virtual office hours if you want to discuss or ask questions!
There is a study guide I will attach (I will probably share it with you on googledocs AND I will post it on my GoogleClassroom. Please choose two questions from each chapter's study guide.....and tell me the answer to the questions!
Almost done!!!!
Monday, May 18, 2020
Here is this week's assignment:
At this point, you are almost done with school--your final day will be May 28 (you know this, right?). At this point, I would like you to focus your time on FINISHING the novel and BEGINNING work on your final paper. What paper?? What am I talking about?? Great question (actually NOT a great question...because you should know already...haha). If you scroll through my web site to the MAY 4 entry, you will see the final research paper assignment posted AND you can watch again (or for the first time) the Youtube video I did where I tried to explain the paper. Hopefully, by now, you have been making observations as you read....and hopefully you have been trying to "shape" them into a grander topic. I want to give you the reminder of your time "in this class" to read, write, and get feedback. I'd love to hear about what you are doing. PLEASE consider checking out my office hours on Wednesday from 10-11 (even if you just wanna drop by and say a quick hi!) because you may have a question that the rest of the class might have as well!!! I am not giving you an absolute due date for the paper......yet. I will give you as much time as I can....but remember: I need time to grade it too. I will be forthcoming with a due date in the next couple of days. It may be even a couple of days before the 28th....I just want to check guidance's grading schedule. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the assignment and then watch the video BEFORE sending me the "I have no clue what I am supposed to do" email. Put some effort into your thinking! It is fun!
I will also be forthcoming about how to get your books back. By now I think I have all your book numbers but I will double check the school list.
Enjoy your is great to see so many people loving this book!
Mr Goldsmith
Here is this week's assignment:
At this point, you are almost done with school--your final day will be May 28 (you know this, right?). At this point, I would like you to focus your time on FINISHING the novel and BEGINNING work on your final paper. What paper?? What am I talking about?? Great question (actually NOT a great question...because you should know already...haha). If you scroll through my web site to the MAY 4 entry, you will see the final research paper assignment posted AND you can watch again (or for the first time) the Youtube video I did where I tried to explain the paper. Hopefully, by now, you have been making observations as you read....and hopefully you have been trying to "shape" them into a grander topic. I want to give you the reminder of your time "in this class" to read, write, and get feedback. I'd love to hear about what you are doing. PLEASE consider checking out my office hours on Wednesday from 10-11 (even if you just wanna drop by and say a quick hi!) because you may have a question that the rest of the class might have as well!!! I am not giving you an absolute due date for the paper......yet. I will give you as much time as I can....but remember: I need time to grade it too. I will be forthcoming with a due date in the next couple of days. It may be even a couple of days before the 28th....I just want to check guidance's grading schedule. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the assignment and then watch the video BEFORE sending me the "I have no clue what I am supposed to do" email. Put some effort into your thinking! It is fun!
I will also be forthcoming about how to get your books back. By now I think I have all your book numbers but I will double check the school list.
Enjoy your is great to see so many people loving this book!
Mr Goldsmith
Monday, May 11, 2020
Hi everyone
I hope you are all getting outside today!
I am going to go for a run after this! Yay!
For this week's assignment, I would like you to read chapters 7, 8, and 9
I "shared" a test for chapters 8 and 9 that I would like you to is a bit of matching and short!
Per my email to you this morning, I will also be posting this assignment on GoogleClassroom. I sent out the password earlier.
PLEASE NOTE that I will NOT be able to have office hours tomorrow because I have a meeting during that time. If you have a question or want to chat, PLEASE let me know and I will set something up with you!
Have a great day!!
I hope you are all getting outside today!
I am going to go for a run after this! Yay!
For this week's assignment, I would like you to read chapters 7, 8, and 9
I "shared" a test for chapters 8 and 9 that I would like you to is a bit of matching and short!
Per my email to you this morning, I will also be posting this assignment on GoogleClassroom. I sent out the password earlier.
PLEASE NOTE that I will NOT be able to have office hours tomorrow because I have a meeting during that time. If you have a question or want to chat, PLEASE let me know and I will set something up with you!
Have a great day!!
Hi folks. Your assignment for this week is to read chapters 17 THROUGH 23....I have heard from many of you that you are really enjoying the book! That is great! I have enjoyed emailing and talking about it with all of you on an individual basis! In addition to the reading, I am asking you to take a look at the "study guide" I am sending out for chapters 17, 18, 19......I will send along a study guide for the other chapters upon request...but I don't want to overwhelm you with work. Please pick TWO items from each "chapter" of the study guide (2 for ch. 17, 2 for ch 18, 2 for ch 19...see?) and explain what is going on in the ones you have chosen. I am going to paste the link here, but, if it doesn't work, I will post it on my GoogleClassroom. I sent an email about GoogleClassroom earlier--I will be posting assignments on both "platforms" to make it easier for you folks
KEEP YOUR FINAL PAPER IN MIND, since the "end of the year" is coming up so soon! I cannot believe it. Keep making observations and generating folks were right on point with your last responses....great stuff!
PS: I am not posting the link to the study guide questions on here after all.....I just shared the doc with all of you and I will post it on GoogleClassroom too!
Don't forget: Office Hours on WED from 10-11 if you want to stop by, ask questions, etc. I will send out the invite
Have a great day!!!!!
KEEP YOUR FINAL PAPER IN MIND, since the "end of the year" is coming up so soon! I cannot believe it. Keep making observations and generating folks were right on point with your last responses....great stuff!
PS: I am not posting the link to the study guide questions on here after all.....I just shared the doc with all of you and I will post it on GoogleClassroom too!
Don't forget: Office Hours on WED from 10-11 if you want to stop by, ask questions, etc. I will send out the invite
Have a great day!!!!!
Monday, May 4, 2020
Hi everyone. For this week, I would like you to read chapters 10 THROUGH 16....
Here is a copy of the FINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT for this book/unit. You will see that it involves a bit of research. Please look over the assignment and then PLEASE watch the video I am attaching....I get into some of the detail of the assignment.
Here is the assignment:
Here is the video link with my failing at trying to be per usual.....:/
For your "graded assignment" for this week, I would like you to begin to make observations of your own as they relate to something you MAY write about for this final paper. What stands out? What inferences do you make? What are your reactions to the novel thus far? Like.......what do you notice about the way Mike is/isn't a "stereotypical" Mainer? How does the actual physical landscape create CONFLICT in the story, and where else do we see that in Maine, etc? Are people like the Driskos and Barters common citizens of Maine? There's a TON of things you can write about. I'd like you to do about a page or your own 'reactions' and 'observations.' If you did not watch the video, please take a look at it, as it gives more detail. And remember that I will be available on WEDNESDAY for virtual office hours from 10-11! Keep in touch!
One month to go!!!!!
Here is a copy of the FINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT for this book/unit. You will see that it involves a bit of research. Please look over the assignment and then PLEASE watch the video I am attaching....I get into some of the detail of the assignment.
Here is the assignment:
Living here in the great state of Maine, we are constantly inundated with the way “pop culture” is represented in our state. From beautiful lighthouses on rocky coasts, to buttery lobster rolls on red and plaid tablecloths, Maine is often billed as a vacation and recreational paradise, with beautiful land, country charm, and friendly, New England people. Am I correct? (it is okay to disagree!).
I would argue that Paul Doiron, who has lived in Maine his entire life, sees Maine in a “different light. Some would argue that Doiron, in his Mike Bowditch series, presents a glimpse of “the real Maine” to his readers. How does Doiron's presentation of Maine compare with a more “pop culture” version (as seen in “Downeast” magazine, for example) version? How is the REAL Maine revealed through Paul Doiron's writing?
For this assignment, think about the novel from ALL the angles we have discussed, and generate your own thesis statement (claim) that you can present in an argumentative paper. Essentially, craft an argumentative research paper about a “novel related” issue. ABSOLUTELY use your copy of TRESPASSER as your reference point (most of your data/evidence should come from the book). However, you must use at least ONE outside source to include in your composition, and this source should strengthen your argument!
Find evidence and examples (QUOTES) of how Doiron reveals:
-setting as a powerful vehicle to create mood and tone
-people and their actions
-places and their physical descriptions
-neighbors and their attitudes
-relationships among folks
-restaurants/meeting places
-personalities of individuals
-core values
-family values
-respect for authority
-socio/economic discrepancies
-drug and alcohol epidemic
Here is the video link with my failing at trying to be per usual.....:/
For your "graded assignment" for this week, I would like you to begin to make observations of your own as they relate to something you MAY write about for this final paper. What stands out? What inferences do you make? What are your reactions to the novel thus far? Like.......what do you notice about the way Mike is/isn't a "stereotypical" Mainer? How does the actual physical landscape create CONFLICT in the story, and where else do we see that in Maine, etc? Are people like the Driskos and Barters common citizens of Maine? There's a TON of things you can write about. I'd like you to do about a page or your own 'reactions' and 'observations.' If you did not watch the video, please take a look at it, as it gives more detail. And remember that I will be available on WEDNESDAY for virtual office hours from 10-11! Keep in touch!
One month to go!!!!!
The assignment is to read in AND THEN THERE WERE NONE chapters 4, 5, and 6.....this is roughly around pages 57-96 if you are reading on the PDF link I gave you folks in the last assignment. Please answer the following questions in an email to me!
1. What is Wargrave's "crime" that he is being accused of?
2. What is Mr Rogers being accused of doing for his crime?
3. Who is Fred Narracott, and what is the big deal about him NOT returning to the island?
4. Describe the personality of Ms Emily Brent....what is she like?
5. How does Anthony Marston die?
6. After Marston's death, what does Mr Rogers notice about the Indian statues?
7. Who is "Richmond" as he relates to General MacArthur?
8. What is peculiar about the way Marston died AND the way the first Indian dies in the "poem?"
9. Do you like the book thus far? Why or why not?
10. If you could get takeout for dinner tonight, what would you choose and why??
Please don't forget to get me your vocab from last week's assignment if you haven't done it yet
The assignment is to read in AND THEN THERE WERE NONE chapters 4, 5, and 6.....this is roughly around pages 57-96 if you are reading on the PDF link I gave you folks in the last assignment. Please answer the following questions in an email to me!
1. What is Wargrave's "crime" that he is being accused of?
2. What is Mr Rogers being accused of doing for his crime?
3. Who is Fred Narracott, and what is the big deal about him NOT returning to the island?
4. Describe the personality of Ms Emily Brent....what is she like?
5. How does Anthony Marston die?
6. After Marston's death, what does Mr Rogers notice about the Indian statues?
7. Who is "Richmond" as he relates to General MacArthur?
8. What is peculiar about the way Marston died AND the way the first Indian dies in the "poem?"
9. Do you like the book thus far? Why or why not?
10. If you could get takeout for dinner tonight, what would you choose and why??
Please don't forget to get me your vocab from last week's assignment if you haven't done it yet
Friday, May 1, 2020
First of all, PLEASE email me your book number if you have any questions!
Second, please feel free to leave a comment on this blog if you have questions that you think the whole class would benefit from knowing the answer to. That sentence was not grammatically correct, but I don't care...haha. OR, please just write your comments on the story thus far. It can sort of mimic "class discussions" for us!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
TEST: CH 5-9
1. Who is coming over to Mike and Sarah’s house for dinner that night, and what does
Sarah BEG of Mike?
2. List two detailed characteristics of the “Barter” family. For example: What are they like? where do they live? HOW do they live, etc
3. What does Mike find at the Drisko’s that gives him “probable cause” to search their
4. What do the Drisko’s do for “work?” (possibly a ‘trick question’), and what do they fear Mike will cause to happen?
5. What has Charley done that has GREATLY CHANGED the life of his wife, Ora?
6. What is happening to the ‘camp’ that Charley and Ora have on the lake?
7. Who is Hans Westergaard, and how might he fit in to the whole “Ashley Kim” situation
8. Why do Mike and Charley make an ‘early exit’ from the dinner party?
9. How does Mike gain entry to the cottage on Schooner Lane on Parker Point?
10. What do Mike and Charley find at the end of the chapter?
Monday, April 27, 2020
Hi folks!
If you have not viewed my Youtube videos (links on last blog entry) please take a few minutes and do this!
If you have not told me your book number, PLEASE EMAIL ME IT asap!
Here is a short video of me explaining the beginning of the novel....and I read two pages...
Your assignment is to read chapter 1 THROUGH 9
please do this "test" on chapters 5 through 9..
I will send out an "invite" to join me on GoogleMeets for WEDNESDAY from 10-11 AM....I wont have any "agenda."......but, rather, will just available in case anyone wants to talk about parts of the book, etc!
We are going to be starting AND THEN THERE WERE NONE, a mystery story by Agatha Christie. I alluded to this in a previous post; if you can get your own copy, that is awesome. If you cannot, you can click on the first link for a PDF of the book, and the second link for an AUDIO version on Youtube.. Make sure to "bookmark" these sites for future reference! Before you do anything, please check out this short video I made--I explain the book's summary and premise....and I read a page or so....
If you have any questions, please email me or make a comment on this blog!!!
Please read chapters 1, 2, and 3--it is about 55 pages.....
The book has some "kind of" tricky vocabulary, and I would like you to look up the following words BEFORE YOU READ (so you will understand them in the book when you DO read)...for an assignment credit, please email me ORIGINAL SENTENCES for each word!!!!
"sine qua non"
tartar (NOT the sauce....haha)
Hi folks!
If you have not viewed my Youtube videos (links on last blog entry) please take a few minutes and do this!
If you have not told me your book number, PLEASE EMAIL ME IT asap!
Here is a short video of me explaining the beginning of the novel....and I read two pages...
Your assignment is to read chapter 1 THROUGH 9
please do this "test" on chapters 5 through 9..
I will send out an "invite" to join me on GoogleMeets for WEDNESDAY from 10-11 AM....I wont have any "agenda."......but, rather, will just available in case anyone wants to talk about parts of the book, etc!
We are going to be starting AND THEN THERE WERE NONE, a mystery story by Agatha Christie. I alluded to this in a previous post; if you can get your own copy, that is awesome. If you cannot, you can click on the first link for a PDF of the book, and the second link for an AUDIO version on Youtube.. Make sure to "bookmark" these sites for future reference! Before you do anything, please check out this short video I made--I explain the book's summary and premise....and I read a page or so....
If you have any questions, please email me or make a comment on this blog!!!
Please read chapters 1, 2, and 3--it is about 55 pages.....
The book has some "kind of" tricky vocabulary, and I would like you to look up the following words BEFORE YOU READ (so you will understand them in the book when you DO read)...for an assignment credit, please email me ORIGINAL SENTENCES for each word!!!!
"sine qua non"
tartar (NOT the sauce....haha)
Friday, April 17, 2020
We WILL be observing April vacation. Don't worry about school for a week!
I wanted to let you know what is going on, however, so you will know for AFTER vacation!
For the remainder of the year we will be reading a FANTASTIC murder mystery by Agatha Christie called AND THEN THERE WERE NONE. I will record myself doing a quick video introduction and reading of the book AFTER VACATION!!! Obviously it is not ideal in that we don't have the PHYSICAL books....but, if you WANT, you can definitely order your own copy from Amazon or something. If that is not an option for you, I will be posting a couple of links: One of them is the whole book ON LINE (as a PDF)....and the other is a Youtube video of the AUDIOBOOK. That is all I will say for now...but stay tuned and ask me any questions you might have!
Please be sure to obtain a copy of TRESPASSER to be good-to-go after vacation! I am going to post two short "lectures" I had Amanda video-record of me last night. These videos contain some cool and important info about the book and how we will be going about reading it. I think one is 6 minutes and the other is 4.....
In order to finish the book by the end of May/beginning of June, we will need to cover about 60 pages per week. I will be assigning weekly assignments BY CHAPTER and I will post the assignments on this web site on MONDAYS. Some assignments *might* contain more than 60 pages...and some fewer....
You can read ahead all you like...but just be prepared to stay current with the chapters we are on as a class (so you can do the study guide or quiz or whatever I assign!)
You do not HAVE to do ANYTHING over vacation. ENJOY yourself if you can. I will "officially" assign the first reading on the Monday after vacation. But, if you are interested, it will be chapters 1 THROUGH 9.
Remember: I will be posting all assignments on this site....but I may SHARE study guides/quizzes with you over check that too
ONE MORE THING: Obviously, one of the greatest parts of reading books is TALKING about books....just for fun....but, also, some of you may have questions/confusion about the novel. I am going to try to post weekly "office hours" where I will set up a GoogleMeets for whomever wants to stop by and chat! Fun! Stay tuned for that! They will probably be on THURSDAYS
Friends, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your patience and fantastic work during this very very very difficult time! PLEASE reach out ANY TIME you have a question or comment. AND PLEASE WATCH MY TWO VIDEOS!!!! They will help introduce the novel and set a context for what we are talking about!
Thursday, April 16, 2020
HeyGuysHey. This isn't an ASSIGNMENT....I just like sharing my "art" with you and I thought I would share THIS with you as well. Many of you know Jen Ferry this year....and many more of you were probably coached in some capacity by her sister Elizabeth. You may remember last year when Elizabeth came and did a presentation about her two years in the PeaceCorp in Tanzania. A few years ago, when she was there, we had regular correspondence through text and messenger.....and I wrote this song based on what I imagined her experience was like. It is called "In a Foreign Land" and I think it is sort of appropriate today because, let's face it, we are ALL living in a "new" and "foreign land" lately, right? I even will post the lyrics in case you like to read them/enjoy poetry/etc. I would love to hear and see some of the stuff you are doing!!!! I miss you wonderful people!!!!
If I stayed too long
would that matter here?
Dust from sandals worn
wears off like sand
Time I spend alone
worlds that collide sometimes
hours can seem like galaxies
and stars can seem like rhymes
I'm here; I will the power of my hand
My foot; it raises in this foreign land
No, there's no tigers here
judgements we all make
questions pile up like boulders
and answers remain still, like lakes
Trying to reach you there
messages from this new home
bounce off satellites
above where the wild creatures roam
You won't see my tears; you cannot understand
I'm changing lives within this foreign land
Words I write too much
come from a crowded mind
flow from this wounded hand
7 hours later than 'your time'
Humble fire made
bricks to warm my pans
metaphors abound everywhere
and no one else understands
Jared Goldsmith
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Good morning wonderful seniors. The Sun Is Out!!!! Get outside and get some fresh air is amazing what a little sunlight and fresh air will do for you!!
LISTEN-IMPORTANT: You all will be getting another letter in the mail from Mr Bell and it will explain the "deal with school" going forward. Basically, going forward, I will be assigning ONE assignment per week--and the assignment should definitely take under an hour....probably 40 minutes or so. I won't say anything else right now, so as not to confuse things. Be on the lookout for Mr Bell's next letter!
So here is your assignment for the week (remember, DUAL ENROLLMENT KIDS, if you want the college credit, you need to do the assignment!)
Hi guys! I haven't heard from all of you, so please send me an email or write back to me. For this week's assignment, I would like you to read the following Edgar Allan Poe story: "The Cask of Amontillado." It is a good short story!! It can be accessed by clicking on the following link:
I would like you to respond to the following questions, and please send me an email/GoogleDoc with your responses! Any questions, send me an email! I am here to help you.
1. Read the story
2. Pick out at least one quote that demonstrates the ARROGANCE or COCKINESS of the character named Fortunado. Explain why you chose this quote
3. Per our discussion of literary terms before we left, how does the story have all THREE conflicts (man vs self, man vs man, and man vs environment/nature
4. Very simply: Explain how the story ends. How is the most frightening "execution" of all time carried out?
Ready for ASSIGNMENT 2?? (and remember, this will be the only assignment this week)
1. Smile and relax because the sun is out and your teacher sings you cute suonnnngggggggs
2. Understand that I am always here for you if you have any questions about ANYTHING with your school, post-school success, hopes, dreams, fitness techniques, chicken breeding skills, laser tag efficacy, and more....
3. Remember to make a trip to the school this week and get a copy of TRESPASSER and then give me your book number! GET YOUR BOOK BEFORE FRIDAY PLEASE
4. Last time, I had your explore an essay on I would like you to do another assignment on this one gives you some more freedom:
5. go to and EXPLORE the the top left of the page there is a a tab that says LIBRARY....if you click on this, you can search the site by GENRE, GRADE LEVEL, etc. Explore the site and take a few minutes to enjoy.....there are TONS of things there like essays, short stories, historical documents, biographies, informational pieces, satirical pieces, etc.
6. All that I ask you to do is choose something GRADE APPROPRIATE (11th or 12th grade) that you might it....and then write me a one page (max) REACTION to the piece of writing. By reaction, I mean:
*What did you think of the writing?
*Did you agree or disagree or with it? Why?
*How did the piece make you feel?
* Did you learn anything new that surprised you?
*What inferences or opinions can you make about the author?
Friday, April 10, 2020
Please make sure to get your TRESPASSER book # to me when you get it (no rush)
And THANK YOU for all the great responses to the essay that have been coming in. Some of you are doing your most thoughtful writing of the year! No joke!
Please remember that, for now, I am giving you all grades in my PAPER grade book but I am not posting anything on IC. Don't worry about what your "grade" is...if you are putting effort into the assignments, you will be great! This is a challenge for us all!!!
In case you havent seen it on FB, here is a song with a cute little story for you seniors..... a cover of "Hey There Delilah"
Please make sure to get your TRESPASSER book # to me when you get it (no rush)
And THANK YOU for all the great responses to the essay that have been coming in. Some of you are doing your most thoughtful writing of the year! No joke!
Please remember that, for now, I am giving you all grades in my PAPER grade book but I am not posting anything on IC. Don't worry about what your "grade" is...if you are putting effort into the assignments, you will be great! This is a challenge for us all!!!
In case you havent seen it on FB, here is a song with a cute little story for you seniors..... a cover of "Hey There Delilah"
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Good morning dualenrollers!
Today you will be getting your first assignment, and it is an essay written by Henry Ford (as in, the inventor of automobiles). The essay is called "The Fear of Change" and I chose it because I thought it was appropriate for this particular day and age. EVERYTHING in the world is changing. Should we fear it? Do you like change?
I would like you to get me this assignment by tomorrow (Friday) by 2pm (or earlier)
Even if there were NO QUARANTINE and everything was going as normal as could be, right now many of you would (and probably are) struggling with the notion of the CHANGE coming up when you graduate and move on to new things in your life. We live in a world of CONSTANT CHANGE. And, personally, I don't know if that is a good thing.
The essay is from, and I will post a link at the bottom of this assignment. I would like you to read the essay (it isn't LONG, but it is very thought provoking and it uses some heavy phrases). Commonlit is great at giving you meanings of difficult words, etc. I encourage you to browse around the site. There's a LOT of REALLY COOL stuff there: essays, short stories, news articles, opinion pieces. and the best chicken tenders around (I just wanted to see if you are actually reading this.....haha)
I have some questions for you about the essay, but I am also interested in YOUR THOUGHTS, OPINIONS, FEEDBACK, PERSPECTIVE, etc. What I would like you to do is this: LISTEN UP HANNAH STEVENS!!!! STOP TALKING!!! (lollllllllll ....jk) Please answer the questions I have asked you in a separate google doc/email to me, and I will give you a grade for that. This is very EFFORT BASED, since we are not PHYSICALLY together. THEN, I would love if you would post your thoughts, opinions, perspective, etc as a COMMENT TO THIS BLOG. It is very easy. It would be great to hear from you. It would be great to get "talking." Aaaaaaand.....for every comment you make on the blog, I will factor it into your "participation grade" for the college portion of the class. Does that make sense? PLEASE ASK ANYTHING YOU FEEL DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!
1.What do you make of the paragraph that starts on line 20? Do you agree with this? Where do we see this in The United States today (since Ford is talking about the USA)
2. How does he emphasize how different EUROPE is from the UNITED STATES in 1922 when he wrote this? If he wrote this is 2020, would he write the same thing?
3. According to Ford, what kind of person WILL NEVER fear "Progressive Change," and why?
4. (optional) Post your own feedback (even if it goes off on a tangent!) on this blog as a comment. Be respectful!!
Let's see how this goes! Here is the link, and it you have any problems with the technology, let me know! Be sure you have registered for (per the entry to this site I posted on March 30). Be well folks!!!
Today you will be getting your first assignment, and it is an essay written by Henry Ford (as in, the inventor of automobiles). The essay is called "The Fear of Change" and I chose it because I thought it was appropriate for this particular day and age. EVERYTHING in the world is changing. Should we fear it? Do you like change?
I would like you to get me this assignment by tomorrow (Friday) by 2pm (or earlier)
Even if there were NO QUARANTINE and everything was going as normal as could be, right now many of you would (and probably are) struggling with the notion of the CHANGE coming up when you graduate and move on to new things in your life. We live in a world of CONSTANT CHANGE. And, personally, I don't know if that is a good thing.
The essay is from, and I will post a link at the bottom of this assignment. I would like you to read the essay (it isn't LONG, but it is very thought provoking and it uses some heavy phrases). Commonlit is great at giving you meanings of difficult words, etc. I encourage you to browse around the site. There's a LOT of REALLY COOL stuff there: essays, short stories, news articles, opinion pieces. and the best chicken tenders around (I just wanted to see if you are actually reading this.....haha)
I have some questions for you about the essay, but I am also interested in YOUR THOUGHTS, OPINIONS, FEEDBACK, PERSPECTIVE, etc. What I would like you to do is this: LISTEN UP HANNAH STEVENS!!!! STOP TALKING!!! (lollllllllll ....jk) Please answer the questions I have asked you in a separate google doc/email to me, and I will give you a grade for that. This is very EFFORT BASED, since we are not PHYSICALLY together. THEN, I would love if you would post your thoughts, opinions, perspective, etc as a COMMENT TO THIS BLOG. It is very easy. It would be great to hear from you. It would be great to get "talking." Aaaaaaand.....for every comment you make on the blog, I will factor it into your "participation grade" for the college portion of the class. Does that make sense? PLEASE ASK ANYTHING YOU FEEL DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!
1.What do you make of the paragraph that starts on line 20? Do you agree with this? Where do we see this in The United States today (since Ford is talking about the USA)
2. How does he emphasize how different EUROPE is from the UNITED STATES in 1922 when he wrote this? If he wrote this is 2020, would he write the same thing?
3. According to Ford, what kind of person WILL NEVER fear "Progressive Change," and why?
4. (optional) Post your own feedback (even if it goes off on a tangent!) on this blog as a comment. Be respectful!!
Let's see how this goes! Here is the link, and it you have any problems with the technology, let me know! Be sure you have registered for (per the entry to this site I posted on March 30). Be well folks!!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Good morning everyone! Just in case you miss me, here are three of me, sitting on my old couch in my classroom
Now that we've got that out of the way, I just wanted to say good morning to everyone. COLLEGE PREP kids: I haven't heard from many of you...not as many as I would have wanted. I understand. #SeniorsInAprilDuringQuarantines, and stuff such as. DROP ME A LINE AND SAY HI. Don't leave me to cry alone in my basement! Check out some of the offerings I've been putting on here
COLLEGE ENGLISH folks: I emailed you all yesterday,, and today I have seen that some of you have already picked up your copy of TRESPASSER at school. That is great! Remember: DON'T FREAK OUT! You don't need to get it til next week....we will be starting with other stuff other than the book.
Just a quick reminder that we will be starting TOMORROW with "real" work for the dual enrollment credit from ThomasCollege. I'll get to details later, but, for the time being, I will NOT be entering anything in Infinite Campus...I will be having to do something else....until further notice.
We get different instructions daily, so I appreciate your patience during this unsettled time.
CHECK IN ON THIS SITE LATER!!! And tell your little friends to do the same.
Now that we've got that out of the way, I just wanted to say good morning to everyone. COLLEGE PREP kids: I haven't heard from many of you...not as many as I would have wanted. I understand. #SeniorsInAprilDuringQuarantines, and stuff such as. DROP ME A LINE AND SAY HI. Don't leave me to cry alone in my basement! Check out some of the offerings I've been putting on here
COLLEGE ENGLISH folks: I emailed you all yesterday,, and today I have seen that some of you have already picked up your copy of TRESPASSER at school. That is great! Remember: DON'T FREAK OUT! You don't need to get it til next week....we will be starting with other stuff other than the book.
Just a quick reminder that we will be starting TOMORROW with "real" work for the dual enrollment credit from ThomasCollege. I'll get to details later, but, for the time being, I will NOT be entering anything in Infinite Campus...I will be having to do something else....until further notice.
We get different instructions daily, so I appreciate your patience during this unsettled time.
CHECK IN ON THIS SITE LATER!!! And tell your little friends to do the same.
Monday, April 6, 2020
I came across this article today while I was checking my email, etc. It raises an interesting point that I have been noticing more and more as this quarantine continues. I feel like, although the world is basically "shut down," that I have never been busier with teaching, learning, etc!!!!! And I mean this with respect to my JOB aaaaaaaaand my role as husband/father/Internet singing sensation.....#whatagreataudience
The article is pretty straightforward, and it is not that long. I encourage you to read the article and think about the following questions/ideas. Then, if you want to be a #greataudience, leave your answer as a "comment" on this web site!!! Cool people like Gabby and Mariah do it.....just sayin....
Here is the link, first of all!
1. What is a quote from the article that you find important or meaningful, and why?
2. Do you AGREE or DISAGREE with what the writer of the article is arguing? Why?
3. "Label" yourself as an "introvert" or an "extrovert." Then, consider how this whole pandemic is influencing/affecting/helping/hurting your type of "person."
Have a great day
Friday, April 3, 2020

Happy Friday all!
THANK YOU for all who have emailed me back about the dual enrollment class....and thanks for everyone who has chimed in with comments and stuff about some stuff I have posted; I just used STUFF for the third time in one sentence, btw.....
FOR NOW, all classes (CP and DUAL ENROLLMENT) should just relax and keep doing the "enrichment" suggestions your teachers are giving....
If you are doing the DUAL ENROLLMENT class, you WILL need to COMPLETE assignments.....but we HAVE NOT STARTED THAT YET. .I will be in touch about when the assignments "officially" start!!!!
Remember, ONLY IF YOU DO NOT WANT THE COLLEGE CREDIT could you please email me back individually?
If you are looking for a FANTASTIC movie to watch this weekend (Mr G would put it in his top 5 of ALL TIME), then consider the film "The 6th Sense." I used to use this film to teach literary devices....since it is SO FULL of brilliant literary things. It has nothing to do with books. What is amazing about it is that it is a "horror" or "scary" movie that.....almost INSTANTLY at one point in the film....changes GENRES and becomes a "love story." Does that make sense? It is one of those films that, when people saw it in the theatre, the film ended and people just SAT. In silence. For like 5 full minutes after it ended. Amazing. If you like endings that make your JAW DROP for like a whole 64 seconds, then WATCH IT. Now, I cannot officially ASSIGN it because it might be PG13 or R or something....but I can suggest it..
It really is a brilliant, very literary movie with a lot to offer to an English class student. And, as a companion article to the film, I found this, recently, on line....
Click on that tab if you feel the urge. Good article and interview.
PLEASE DON'T BE AFRAID TO COMMENT ON THIS BLOG! A lot of you told me you WANT to...but you dont wanna be the "first one" to "break the ice." COME ON!!! You are such a #greataudience and I know you can do it!
Miss you guys like crazy!!!
Mr G
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Hey, as I explain at the beginning of this video, we are ALL gonna need a little bit of patience!
I am surprised at how many of you have never heard the REAL version of this. It was a popular Guns N Roses song back when I was cool.....
(okay....ya got me....I was NEVER cool :/ )
Hey, as I explain at the beginning of this video, we are ALL gonna need a little bit of patience!
I am surprised at how many of you have never heard the REAL version of this. It was a popular Guns N Roses song back when I was cool.....
(okay....ya got me....I was NEVER cool :/ )
Hey folks. Please take a look at this article from If you have not logged in yet and made an account, please do so! Remember, go to and enter class code B79RYL.
As you read, consider these questions:
1. Why do you think it matters that we understand emotions of animals? What purpose/s could it serve?
2. What exactly is a "grimace scale?"
3. In your experience (as a farmer, pet owner, dog lover, etc), what have YOU personally experienced in terms of emotions in animals? For example: I have heard many people say that if you ever owned/had/spent time around PIGS, then you would never eat pork again....because pigs are so affectionate, loving, smart, etc. What are your thoughts about you, personally, experiencing animal emotions
As usual, please COMMENT on this blog, as a way to keep in touch, see other responses, have discussions, laugh, etc!!
Also, please feel free to send a pic of your animal!!!!!!
As you read, consider these questions:
1. Why do you think it matters that we understand emotions of animals? What purpose/s could it serve?
2. What exactly is a "grimace scale?"
3. In your experience (as a farmer, pet owner, dog lover, etc), what have YOU personally experienced in terms of emotions in animals? For example: I have heard many people say that if you ever owned/had/spent time around PIGS, then you would never eat pork again....because pigs are so affectionate, loving, smart, etc. What are your thoughts about you, personally, experiencing animal emotions
As usual, please COMMENT on this blog, as a way to keep in touch, see other responses, have discussions, laugh, etc!!
Also, please feel free to send a pic of your animal!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Sentence combining will keep your writing sharp!!
Obviously, I am not "grading" this, so please ignore the rubric. As we do assignments like this, we will toggle between posting a comment or discussion point or example as a COMMENT on the blog.....(remember, the blog comments EVERYONE can see :) )and sometimes I will ask you to please email me your work on GoogleDocs. For example, if you tried to re-write this in fewer than 7 sentences, do it GoogleDocs and SHARE it with me
Aluminum is a metal. It is abundant. It has many uses. It comes from bauxite. Bauxite is an ore. Bauxite looks like clay. Bauxite contains aluminum. It contains several other substances. Workmen extract these other substances from the bauxite. They grind the bauxite. They put it in tanks. Pressure is in the tanks. The other substances form a mass. They remove the mass. They use it in filters. A liquid remains. They put in through several other processes. It finally yields a chemical. The chemical is powdery. They chemical is white. They chemical is alumina. It is a mixture. It contains aluminum. IT contains oxygen. They finally produce a metal. The metal is light. It has a luster. The luster is bright. They luster is silvery. This metal comes in many forms. This metal is aluminum.
Paragraph is rewritten in 8 sentences or less🡪 10 points
The paragraph is free of run on or ultra-simple sentences🡪 10 points
The paragraph with richness and clarity🡪 10 points
They ate rolls. They drank coffee. Ann was suddenly hungry. The rolls were warm. The rolls were sweet. She ate three of them. Her eating pleased the baker. He began to talk then. They listened carefully. They were tired. They were in anguish. They started listening.
(Rewrite this paragraph so that it is only three sentences long. Then, add four more imaginative complex sentences to finish out the paragraph. Enclosed in each sentence should be a semicolon—do not write a sentence without one)
Original paragraph is only three sentences long🡪 10 points
Four quality, imaginative, complex sentences🡪 10 points
"Once More to the Lake" by E.B. White (and other things)
Good morning everyone. A couple of reminders. PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL!!!! And PLEASE CHECK THIS BLOG (and if you are reading this, thank you!!!!!!!!)
If you have not done this, please follow the link I posted a couple of days ago, and sign up for is a class code and everything. At last glance, only three of four of you have done it. Thanks to those who have!
For today's assignment, I would like you read this fantastic essay by E.B. White called "Once More to the Lake." E.B. White wrote WHAT other book?????? Remember??????????
(Charlottes Web!!!!)
E.B. White, at the time he wrote this, was living and working in NY city as an editor....and he hated it. Growing up, when he was a child, his family always rented a camp on GREAT POND in BELGRADE (very close to home!) He wrote this essay when he was all 'grown up,' as a memoir of a place he loved to go when things around him got 'too crazy' and he couldn't handle the city anymore. It was his ESCAPE. I feel like this essay speaks very well to what is going on in the world right now! I would imagine we all want to GET AWAY from the madness and just have some peace and joy and fellowship and solace and NATURE. Please read the essay and consider the following:
1. What are at least THREE things that have changed about the 'camp' since he was a boy, and how have they changed?
2. Do you sense any "symbolism" in the essay? For example, does the school of fish or the road that goes into the camp or the thunderstorm "stand" for something else? (think outside the box!)
3. Describe how the essay CONCLUDES. Is it happy or sad? What do you make of the description of the boy at the end?
4. Are there any images or phrases that don't make sense? Do you UNDERSTAND the essay?
To dig a little deeper, consider this:
This essay is a piece of writing about a place that has CHANGED in the author's life. What is a place YOU can think of--in your own life--that has changed since you were younger? Your grandparent's house? McDonalds? Your camp? A playground? Etc!!!
Also, if you were to leave Winslow/Waterville area for 30 years and then come back, what would you expect to find? What might look different? What would you be SAD to see gone?
SO. Take a read and think about any of these questions or ideas and post your answer in the comment doesn't have to be a would just be great to hear from you!
ps: If you cannot click on the link successfully, let me know!
If you have not done this, please follow the link I posted a couple of days ago, and sign up for is a class code and everything. At last glance, only three of four of you have done it. Thanks to those who have!
For today's assignment, I would like you read this fantastic essay by E.B. White called "Once More to the Lake." E.B. White wrote WHAT other book?????? Remember??????????
(Charlottes Web!!!!)
E.B. White, at the time he wrote this, was living and working in NY city as an editor....and he hated it. Growing up, when he was a child, his family always rented a camp on GREAT POND in BELGRADE (very close to home!) He wrote this essay when he was all 'grown up,' as a memoir of a place he loved to go when things around him got 'too crazy' and he couldn't handle the city anymore. It was his ESCAPE. I feel like this essay speaks very well to what is going on in the world right now! I would imagine we all want to GET AWAY from the madness and just have some peace and joy and fellowship and solace and NATURE. Please read the essay and consider the following:
1. What are at least THREE things that have changed about the 'camp' since he was a boy, and how have they changed?
2. Do you sense any "symbolism" in the essay? For example, does the school of fish or the road that goes into the camp or the thunderstorm "stand" for something else? (think outside the box!)
3. Describe how the essay CONCLUDES. Is it happy or sad? What do you make of the description of the boy at the end?
4. Are there any images or phrases that don't make sense? Do you UNDERSTAND the essay?
To dig a little deeper, consider this:
This essay is a piece of writing about a place that has CHANGED in the author's life. What is a place YOU can think of--in your own life--that has changed since you were younger? Your grandparent's house? McDonalds? Your camp? A playground? Etc!!!
Also, if you were to leave Winslow/Waterville area for 30 years and then come back, what would you expect to find? What might look different? What would you be SAD to see gone?
SO. Take a read and think about any of these questions or ideas and post your answer in the comment doesn't have to be a would just be great to hear from you!
ps: If you cannot click on the link successfully, let me know!
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Which one of these should be my new BathroomPass when we get back???
I'm WRESTLING with how to do all this VIRTUAL TEACHING!!!! ayyyyyyyyyyy
Lookout y'all!!!! Missa Keenan be fallin from the skyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
#HeyGuysHey.....what'cha doin? Me? I'm just hanging with some nursing dummies at the HussonU..
Monday, March 30, 2020
Hi all! is awesome!!! It has lots and lots of great stories, essays, articles, and more
I am asking you to JOIN as a student!!!! It is totally free (#obvi)
please, when you get a chance, go to
This will prompt you to sign up......
You will be asked for a class code. Although I tried to get our code to be "KeenanWearingATuTu,"
common lit was insistent that I use the code:
So enter that, if you would be so kind.
Spread the word!
Let me know if you have any problems!
JG is awesome!!! It has lots and lots of great stories, essays, articles, and more
I am asking you to JOIN as a student!!!! It is totally free (#obvi)
please, when you get a chance, go to
This will prompt you to sign up......
You will be asked for a class code. Although I tried to get our code to be "KeenanWearingATuTu,"
common lit was insistent that I use the code:
So enter that, if you would be so kind.
Spread the word!
Let me know if you have any problems!
Testing Out Resources....
As practice in keeping your mind sharp, take a look at this and I will tell you the correct answers next time!
Day "sweet 16
Hello everyone. I am reminded of an old episode of SouthPark this morning--one of the dads is hanging out with his friend (the friend happens to be unemployed and HAS BEEN unemployed for years) on a lake, in a boat, fishing, on a Saturday. The dad says to his friend "aren't weekends the BEST?" And the friend replies: "When you're unemployed, weekends are meaningless."
It was funnier on the show...
I am reminded of this because, although I have a job (and so do are a student!), weekends just are NOT the same. I don't know about you, but I love "earning" my weekend: A chance to relax and hang out at home and read and go outside. I don't feel like I've "earned" the weekend...ya know what I mean?
Nevertheless, I hope you got out and did some enjoyable things. In no particular order, I did the following: Bike ride with Maira....track workout with Callum...watched KING OF THE HILL (have you ever seen that show??? it is hilarious)...drank good coffee...fired up the charcoal BBQ and made some chicken and sausage....sat alone in my dark basement, alone, and cried (again......)
SO. Looking for something to do this morning? Your fellow senior, Kaelyn Pondy....I mean Lakey...had been working in guidance with the #RealDealTomMcNeil on putting together resources about available scholarships. Mr McNeil told me this morning that "I've sent the slide show to the students, but once they get an email they see from me, they usually delete it :/ "Haha. If you check your email, you will see that I have put a link that that wonderful slideshow. For some reason, I cannot figure out how to make this site (which IS a Google site, essentially) compatible with GoogleDocs stuff. It is frustrating. So that is why sometimes I will still email you "stuff." But, not to repeat myself again, but check this site for your OFFICIAL headquarters of class....yeay!
Looking for something else to do?? Why not write and post your writing as a "comment" on this blog...and we can have a sort of "on line" discussion about it. What should you write?? How about this??????
The CoronaVirus has undoubtedly impacted our whole PLANET in some way or another. Many folks talk about the "bad" repercussions of this pandemic: Store closures, layoffs, deaths, illness, economical downfalls, etc. But is there any "silver lining?" In no more than 150 words (twitter used to have a limit of 140 words!!!), explain, describe, or argue the GOOD PARTS of this global pandemic. What are the "hidden gems" you are finding? Has anything improved? Are lives becoming enriched? Etc!!!!
I think even I will do this prompt with you!
FINALLY: DUAL ENROLLMENT PEOPLE: I had a virtual meeting with some teachers and admin this morning....stay tuned for OFFICIAL updates...but what it basically boils down to is that, in order to get the COLLEGE CREDIT for this class, there will be expectations, work, and assignments to finish. Please note: We are giving students the opportunity to "bow out" of the college credit portion of this can continue to be "status quo" and have nothing technically "due" or "graded," until we get back and you can still get the WHS ENGLISH credit for the class. BUT, in order to get the college credit, there will be stuff to do. This is a fantastic time for those of you who are failing--or likely to fail, get a "D," etc--to "bow out" of the college portion and not risk having a bad grade on your official college transcript. Think about it. I will bring this up will Mr Bell....but we are asking students to commit either one way or the other by the end of the week!
It was funnier on the show...
I am reminded of this because, although I have a job (and so do are a student!), weekends just are NOT the same. I don't know about you, but I love "earning" my weekend: A chance to relax and hang out at home and read and go outside. I don't feel like I've "earned" the weekend...ya know what I mean?
Nevertheless, I hope you got out and did some enjoyable things. In no particular order, I did the following: Bike ride with Maira....track workout with Callum...watched KING OF THE HILL (have you ever seen that show??? it is hilarious)...drank good coffee...fired up the charcoal BBQ and made some chicken and sausage....sat alone in my dark basement, alone, and cried (again......)
SO. Looking for something to do this morning? Your fellow senior, Kaelyn Pondy....I mean Lakey...had been working in guidance with the #RealDealTomMcNeil on putting together resources about available scholarships. Mr McNeil told me this morning that "I've sent the slide show to the students, but once they get an email they see from me, they usually delete it :/ "Haha. If you check your email, you will see that I have put a link that that wonderful slideshow. For some reason, I cannot figure out how to make this site (which IS a Google site, essentially) compatible with GoogleDocs stuff. It is frustrating. So that is why sometimes I will still email you "stuff." But, not to repeat myself again, but check this site for your OFFICIAL headquarters of class....yeay!
Looking for something else to do?? Why not write and post your writing as a "comment" on this blog...and we can have a sort of "on line" discussion about it. What should you write?? How about this??????
The CoronaVirus has undoubtedly impacted our whole PLANET in some way or another. Many folks talk about the "bad" repercussions of this pandemic: Store closures, layoffs, deaths, illness, economical downfalls, etc. But is there any "silver lining?" In no more than 150 words (twitter used to have a limit of 140 words!!!), explain, describe, or argue the GOOD PARTS of this global pandemic. What are the "hidden gems" you are finding? Has anything improved? Are lives becoming enriched? Etc!!!!
I think even I will do this prompt with you!
FINALLY: DUAL ENROLLMENT PEOPLE: I had a virtual meeting with some teachers and admin this morning....stay tuned for OFFICIAL updates...but what it basically boils down to is that, in order to get the COLLEGE CREDIT for this class, there will be expectations, work, and assignments to finish. Please note: We are giving students the opportunity to "bow out" of the college credit portion of this can continue to be "status quo" and have nothing technically "due" or "graded," until we get back and you can still get the WHS ENGLISH credit for the class. BUT, in order to get the college credit, there will be stuff to do. This is a fantastic time for those of you who are failing--or likely to fail, get a "D," etc--to "bow out" of the college portion and not risk having a bad grade on your official college transcript. Think about it. I will bring this up will Mr Bell....but we are asking students to commit either one way or the other by the end of the week!
Friday, March 27, 2020
For your consideration.....
Just a few ideas if you are pining for something to do......
Here are two cool is for free poetry and one is a great link if you are interested in checking out some cool short stories....I have not read many of them (I've read HILLS LIKE WHITE ELEPHANTS by Hemingway and A PERFECT DAY FOR BANANA FISH by Salinger, for example....but there are some great authors on there....
The poetry one is awesome.....I don't often get to teach poetry to my seniors, since we never have time....but I LOVE poetry/song lyrics and would love to discuss some of these!!!
Another thing you could do, as well, is catch up on the show FULLER HOUSE and discuss how Ramona looks just like Taylor Rodriguez and Steve looks like Jackson Reynolds' dadddddddddd
Take care!
Here are two cool is for free poetry and one is a great link if you are interested in checking out some cool short stories....I have not read many of them (I've read HILLS LIKE WHITE ELEPHANTS by Hemingway and A PERFECT DAY FOR BANANA FISH by Salinger, for example....but there are some great authors on there....
The poetry one is awesome.....I don't often get to teach poetry to my seniors, since we never have time....but I LOVE poetry/song lyrics and would love to discuss some of these!!!
Another thing you could do, as well, is catch up on the show FULLER HOUSE and discuss how Ramona looks just like Taylor Rodriguez and Steve looks like Jackson Reynolds' dadddddddddd
Take care!
Good morning folks. The faculty has been running around like a bunch of little squirrels trying to adapt to this "new method" of school. It is definitely weird--I DO NOT enjoy working exclusively from a computer....A couple of quick hits you should pay attention to!!!!
*FAILURES: During this "quarantine time," it is important to remember that no work is being "turned in" or "graded." It is all enrichment, discussion, and a focus on independent learning. And I want to help you in any way I can! So, to be clear, NO NEW GRADING until we get back to "regular" school. HOWEVER, if you were failing in InfiniteCampus as of Friday March 13--when all this craziness happened--you DEFINITELY CAN STILL MAKE STUFF UP! For example, if you didn't get a composition to me, you can definitely email or share it with me...and I will not penalize you, even!!! #Whatagreataudience! Obviously, I do not have access to all "test copies" and things (since I am not in school)....but if I have it saved on my computer, I can get them to you. Or we can find a "make up" alternate assignment I will definitely be looking through IC in the coming days, and I will try to reach failing students individually....but, IF YOU ARE FAILING, TRY TO GET IN TOUCH WITH ME!!! It will streamline things. If there are any questions, let me know!
*DUAL ENROLLMENT STUDENTS: This is for you. Stay tuned. Although Winslow High School is not doing any "new work" or grading, Thomas, KVCC, etc have indicated that, if students are still interested in getting the COLLEGE CREDIT, they will need to do some work. The details of this are being ironed out by the administration, the colleges, etc. BUT STAY TUNED!!! I MAY (and this is subject to change, so this is not definite) assign the final novel I was going to do with you anyway: TRESPASSER by Paul Doiron. If I go with this, there are copies of the novel at the school that Mr Bell or someone will have for you if you choose to stop by and get one. That is just ONE EXAMPLE of something we may do. As always, if we do a novel, there are copies for you at the school, but this may be a PRIME TIME to consider buying your own will love the book anyway, and you will wanna keep it anyway, so.....:/ #whatagreataudienceagain! STAY TUNED!
1. Living your best life the best way you know how during the crappy situaishhhhhhh. Read for pleasure. Continue observing and thinking. Watch documentaries. Play board games. BE AN INDEPENDENT LEARNER!!! Consider doing some of the assignments, writing prompts, readings I offer. Remember, it is all for enrichment.
2. WRITE COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP LETTERS....and have me look at them if you would like...this WILL all end and you WILL go to college and you WILL take me out for DairyQueen this summer to talk about it!!! Haha. So get some free money!
3. READ THIS WEB SITE DAILY!!! NOW MORE THAN EVER!!!!!! ***Note***I am going to try to do MOST of my work/discussion/teaching from this site. This is my HEADQUARTERS. However, SOMETIMES I may share things with you over email too! So check that. I will let you know. Although I love EMAILING you folks on an individual basis (and keep it up, cuz I have heard from a lot of you!!!) I prefer to reach ALL OF YOU on this web site.
4. I am still toying around with GoogleMeets and video stuff like that.....but, considering how awkward I am in REAL LIFE, can you imagine a #VIRTUALGOLDSMITH???? My jokes just won't come across the same. IDK GUYYYYY. We will see. For now, just check this site
5. FINALLY, I may ask you to create a (FREE) account for a web site called COMMON LIT. It has A TON of great essays and articles I may suggest. More about that later!
6. Stay in touch! Teaching from a computer/over the Internet is NOT in my "DNA." You know that I am a social, interactive, #manofthepeople and NOTHING takes the place of physically being there with my students. But, EMAIL ME and we can chat! We can even set up some "independent" stuff for you....I can suggest a book I think you will love (that I have read too) and we can talk about it!!!!
7. more thing: Please try out "commenting" on this is very much the same as click on COMMENTS at the end of this post, and, you will automatically be able to sign in (or you are probably already signed in anyway) with your gmail for school. Please try it out. Don't be scared. The water is fine. We all love you. You look fantastic today. Take a chance. Comment. Hahaha. But for realz tho....these sorts of "threads" will be much more seamless than email if you choose to partake in a discussion forum
I know I have droned on a lot, but I want everyone to feel VERY COMFORTABLE with what is going on right now. I try to give you as much info as I can give. Seniors, have a fantastic weekend!!!!!!!
Mr Goldsmith
PS: If you are in yearbook with ElChappelle, MEET YOUR DAMN DEADLINES YOU GUYSSSSSSSSS. Yearbooks are going to take on a NEW SPECIALNESS this year.....
*FAILURES: During this "quarantine time," it is important to remember that no work is being "turned in" or "graded." It is all enrichment, discussion, and a focus on independent learning. And I want to help you in any way I can! So, to be clear, NO NEW GRADING until we get back to "regular" school. HOWEVER, if you were failing in InfiniteCampus as of Friday March 13--when all this craziness happened--you DEFINITELY CAN STILL MAKE STUFF UP! For example, if you didn't get a composition to me, you can definitely email or share it with me...and I will not penalize you, even!!! #Whatagreataudience! Obviously, I do not have access to all "test copies" and things (since I am not in school)....but if I have it saved on my computer, I can get them to you. Or we can find a "make up" alternate assignment I will definitely be looking through IC in the coming days, and I will try to reach failing students individually....but, IF YOU ARE FAILING, TRY TO GET IN TOUCH WITH ME!!! It will streamline things. If there are any questions, let me know!
*DUAL ENROLLMENT STUDENTS: This is for you. Stay tuned. Although Winslow High School is not doing any "new work" or grading, Thomas, KVCC, etc have indicated that, if students are still interested in getting the COLLEGE CREDIT, they will need to do some work. The details of this are being ironed out by the administration, the colleges, etc. BUT STAY TUNED!!! I MAY (and this is subject to change, so this is not definite) assign the final novel I was going to do with you anyway: TRESPASSER by Paul Doiron. If I go with this, there are copies of the novel at the school that Mr Bell or someone will have for you if you choose to stop by and get one. That is just ONE EXAMPLE of something we may do. As always, if we do a novel, there are copies for you at the school, but this may be a PRIME TIME to consider buying your own will love the book anyway, and you will wanna keep it anyway, so.....:/ #whatagreataudienceagain! STAY TUNED!
1. Living your best life the best way you know how during the crappy situaishhhhhhh. Read for pleasure. Continue observing and thinking. Watch documentaries. Play board games. BE AN INDEPENDENT LEARNER!!! Consider doing some of the assignments, writing prompts, readings I offer. Remember, it is all for enrichment.
2. WRITE COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP LETTERS....and have me look at them if you would like...this WILL all end and you WILL go to college and you WILL take me out for DairyQueen this summer to talk about it!!! Haha. So get some free money!
3. READ THIS WEB SITE DAILY!!! NOW MORE THAN EVER!!!!!! ***Note***I am going to try to do MOST of my work/discussion/teaching from this site. This is my HEADQUARTERS. However, SOMETIMES I may share things with you over email too! So check that. I will let you know. Although I love EMAILING you folks on an individual basis (and keep it up, cuz I have heard from a lot of you!!!) I prefer to reach ALL OF YOU on this web site.
4. I am still toying around with GoogleMeets and video stuff like that.....but, considering how awkward I am in REAL LIFE, can you imagine a #VIRTUALGOLDSMITH???? My jokes just won't come across the same. IDK GUYYYYY. We will see. For now, just check this site
5. FINALLY, I may ask you to create a (FREE) account for a web site called COMMON LIT. It has A TON of great essays and articles I may suggest. More about that later!
6. Stay in touch! Teaching from a computer/over the Internet is NOT in my "DNA." You know that I am a social, interactive, #manofthepeople and NOTHING takes the place of physically being there with my students. But, EMAIL ME and we can chat! We can even set up some "independent" stuff for you....I can suggest a book I think you will love (that I have read too) and we can talk about it!!!!
7. more thing: Please try out "commenting" on this is very much the same as click on COMMENTS at the end of this post, and, you will automatically be able to sign in (or you are probably already signed in anyway) with your gmail for school. Please try it out. Don't be scared. The water is fine. We all love you. You look fantastic today. Take a chance. Comment. Hahaha. But for realz tho....these sorts of "threads" will be much more seamless than email if you choose to partake in a discussion forum
I know I have droned on a lot, but I want everyone to feel VERY COMFORTABLE with what is going on right now. I try to give you as much info as I can give. Seniors, have a fantastic weekend!!!!!!!
Mr Goldsmith
PS: If you are in yearbook with ElChappelle, MEET YOUR DAMN DEADLINES YOU GUYSSSSSSSSS. Yearbooks are going to take on a NEW SPECIALNESS this year.....
Thursday, March 26, 2020
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