Wednesday, January 25, 2017


JANUARY 26 2017

Thanks for subbing for me today. My schedule goes as follows. It is an ORANGE day

BLOCK 1: Free period. Relax. Drink coffee or tea.

BLOCK 2: College English. Please have this class work on the HAMLET project. I have included photocopies of this to pass out to the class. This class is ¾ through the play....we haven't had a “teaching” class, it seems, since before Christmas...haha! Please tell them that we will finish the play when I get back, but, for now, to work on this project which will NOT be a paper, but rather an in class PRESENTATION (they will get up and share what they found in front of the class). This will not be due next Monday; it will be due next Wednesday. I will check in with them on Monday if they have any questions. They may work with a partner if they want. The assignment says “library research” on it. Obviously, they are in the classroom and not the library. They should feel free to use Chromebooks, etc. If some want a pass to the library, please feel free to let them go as you see fit (and just make sure it is okay with Ms. Johnson too).

FOCUS TIME: In my classroom. Many of my homeroom kids will be in there. Please take attendance as usual.

BLOCK 3: LUNCH DUTY with Mr. Pete Bolduc. You are in the cafe for the first lunch...then you get a little break....then you head down to the cafe again for the second lunch. After the second lunch, you are free until the bell rings for block 4

BLOCK 4: College English. Please see Block 2 assignment

I hope you have a good day today. Thank you again for subbing. Please tell the students that I am copying/pasting these sub plans on my class web site if they have any questions. Www.

Thanks again


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